Your first visit to Endodontics of New Mexico is an exciting and informative visit for both you and our team as we get to know each other. Dr. James Wolcott will use this time to learn more about your dental needs and the goals you may have for your smile. Our endodontist also needs the following information to provide safe and individualized endodontic care in Santa Fe, New Mexico:

  • A referral slip and your most recent X-rays, if applicable
  • A current list of the medications you are taking and information on any medical condition you may have
  • Insurance cards, if applicable

An initial appointment with us will include the proper diagnosis, with digital X-rays, to determine what your treatment options are moving forward. This is a vital part of your visit as it helps us to understand what the most suitable procedure is for your oral health. You will also be fully informed of the financial options we provide for our patients. Please contact our team at 505-819-5690 if you have any questions or concerns.